Tumbling Classes

What we offer

Diamonds All-Stars Offers Tumbling Classes or Private Tumbling Instruction for every level of tumbler. 
You do not have to be a Diamonds Athlete to enroll in our tumbling classes or private tumbling lessons. 

Preschool Tumbling

Have a preschooler that can't sit still? Need an opportunity to burn off that energy? Join us for our preschool tumbling classes for 4 years and under, offered twice a week.

​Tumbling Levels 1-6

While tumbling is a fundamental skill set needed for all star cheerleading, it is also a sport all its own for males and females. Tumbling is an acrobatic sport and discipine formed from some of the skills of gymnastics and trampolining. It is often referred to as floor gymnastics since it is gymnastics without any props.

class descriptions

Preschool Tumbling

Your child will improve motor skill development by increasing muscle memory, body awareness, and muscle control. Your child will advance once their attention span can go throughout the 60 minute class time and muscle control is advanced to the point they are ready to begin Intro tumbling skills on their own. Intro skills introduced such as forward rolls, handstands, back bends, back walkovers, back handsprings, etc.


Ages vary - see class schedule, One-hour class
This class is the perfect class to begin tumbling. An option for all ages, no experience required. Fundamentals will allow athletes to work on learning and mastering the following basic skills: forward roll, backward roll, handstand, handstand forward roll, cartwheel, roundoff, bridge, back bend kickover, back walkover, front walkover, front walkover roundoff, etc…


One-hour class
Once athletes have the fundamentals down, they are ready to start handsprings. Perfecting the handspring is a major milestone in tumbling and this class is designed just for that. Prerequisites: Strong basics (forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, round-off, back/front walkover)


One-hour class
With a focus on perfecting the tuck and/or layout. Working on the perfect set, creating a beautiful straight body line, this class teaches the proper technique needed to progress these skills! Prerequisites: working on or has standing/running series to back tuck and/or layout.

Advanced Tumbling

One-hour class
This class will focus on all advanced skills. Prerequisites: Strong standing series to layout & round-off hand layout.

register for a Tumbling class

Click the link below to register for one of our many classes!

Request A private Class

Leave us a message through the form on the right, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!
Use one of the links below if you would rather reach us through phone or email:
Current Tumbling Skills:

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631 American Glass Way
Knoxville, TN 37932
© 2025

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